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  • Inicio > ALBUMES DE LOS USUARIOS > Toni > Rayos
    Tormenta sobre Barcelona con mucho movimiento eléctrico. Imagen captada con una apertura de diafragma de 15 segundos. / 
In this picture you can see several rays that actually, if you look closely at the picture, seem to fall into the sea. They fell within the 15 seconds that diaphragm of the camera remained open. The large number of rays that fell in the storm and duration, allowed me to capture this image and many others not as spectacular as this.

    "Lluvia de rayos" / "Ray Rain"

    Tormenta sobre Barcelona con mucho movimiento eléctrico. Imagen captada con una apertura de diafragma de 15 segundos. /
    In this picture you can see several rays that actually, if you look closely at the picture, seem to fall into the sea. They fell within the 15 seconds that diaphragm of the camera remained open. The large number of rays that fell in the storm and duration, allowed me to capture this image and many others not as spectacular as this.

    Nombre y apellidos del autor/a*:Antonio Ontangas
    Lugar y fecha de captura*:Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Date: 2009-09-14
    Cámara utilizada:Canon Eos 450D + Sigma 18/200 + Manfrotto Tripod
    Tamaño del archivo:152 Kb
    Subida el:22 de Enero de 2010
    Dimensiones:800 x 533 píxeles
    Fecha y hora (EXIF):2009:09:14 20:39:50
    Modelo:Canon EOS 450D
    Modo de captura de escenas:0
    Software:Adobe Photoshop CS Windows
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