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  • Inicio > ALBUMES DE LOS USUARIOS > Alberto Lunas > Meteoreportaje2011
    After a great stormy spring in Spain, summer came and the electrical activity decreased dramatically, but the first day of August a major storm hit strongly the capital of Spain. Storms in Madrid tend to be in the early hours of the night and on this occasion it was so. I could photograph this great electric discharge that resembles a human figure, with its head to the left of the photo and its arms outstretched to the right. Without doubt, it was dancing.

    Lightning also dance

    After a great stormy spring in Spain, summer came and the electrical activity decreased dramatically, but the first day of August a major storm hit strongly the capital of Spain. Storms in Madrid tend to be in the early hours of the night and on this occasion it was so. I could photograph this great electric discharge that resembles a human figure, with its head to the left of the photo and its arms outstretched to the right. Without doubt, it was dancing.

    Nombre y apellidos del autor/a*:Alberto Lunas Arias
    Lugar y fecha de captura*:Madrid, España / 1-8-11
    Cámara utilizada:Camera Olympus E-620 + lens. Zuiko 14-54mm.
    Etiquetas: 4032 x 3025
    Tamaño del archivo:241 Kb
    Subida el:04 de Marzo de 2012
    Dimensiones:800 x 600 píxeles
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