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  • Inicio > ALBUMES DE LOS USUARIOS > Louis Hecker > Storm Clouds
    This is the kind of storm that can form in an unstable and sheared environment, over a flat landscape like the Beauce Plains, South of Paris. This cell was a left mover, the result of a splitting storm about an hour earlier.
The gust front shown by the roll cloud caused some damages in the villages around : some trees brought down and roofs destroyed.

    Violent Storm

    This is the kind of storm that can form in an unstable and sheared environment, over a flat landscape like the Beauce Plains, South of Paris. This cell was a left mover, the result of a splitting storm about an hour earlier.
    The gust front shown by the roll cloud caused some damages in the villages around : some trees brought down and roofs destroyed.

    Nombre y apellidos del autor/a*:Louis Hecker
    Lugar y fecha de captura*:Engenville, Loiret, France Date: 2009-07-16
    Cámara utilizada:Pentax K200D + Pentax 18-55
    Tamaño del archivo:139 Kb
    Subida el:06 de Octubre de 2010
    Dimensiones:800 x 533 píxeles
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    Luichi   [Octubre 29, 2010 a \Viernesas 12:15 AM]
    !Genial! Congratuletions

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