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  • Inicio > ALBUMES DE LOS USUARIOS > Alberto Lunas > Meteoreportaje2011
    In Spain the storm season began early and intensively in the spring of 2010, producing numerous stormy showers in many areas within the country. One of them occurred on the evening of April 28 in the center of the country, where a storm left a weak shower and some thunderstorms. It can be seen specifically n teh picture the first cloud graund ray left by the heavy shawer, hitting with great intensity behind the town of Los Santos de la Humosa in the Region of Madrid.

    Electric Impact

    In Spain the storm season began early and intensively in the spring of 2010, producing numerous stormy showers in many areas within the country. One of them occurred on the evening of April 28 in the center of the country, where a storm left a weak shower and some thunderstorms. It can be seen specifically n teh picture the first cloud graund ray left by the heavy shawer, hitting with great intensity behind the town of Los Santos de la Humosa in the Region of Madrid.

    Nombre y apellidos del autor/a*:Alberto Lunas Arias
    Lugar y fecha de captura*:2011-04-28 Los Santos de la Humosa, Madrid, España
    Cámara utilizada:Camera Olympus E-620 + lens. Zuiko 14-54mm. 4032 x 3025
    Tamaño del archivo:239 Kb
    Subida el:04 de Marzo de 2012
    Dimensiones:800 x 600 píxeles
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